Important Information - Please Read:


 R-1. Please read these Park Rules carefully. If you have any questions regarding them, please contact park staff at the office or, if no one is in the office, call 719-836-4857.  Please understand that park staff may be busy assisting other guests or performing other duties.  If there is no answer at this number, please leave a message and your call will be returned as soon as possible.

R-2.  Check-in time is 1:00 p.m., and check-out time is 11:00 a.m. If you need an early check-in or late check-out, please contact park staff in advance and they will accommodate reasonable requests if able to do so. Middlefork RV Park reserves its right, however, to decline to alter required check-in and check-out times for any reason in its sole and absolute discretion.  Extensions of a stay are based on availability and may require a change of space.  The Park and its staff will not accept mail delivered to the Park for Guests or any other person. Guests must obtain a post office box or have their mail sent “general delivery” to the post office.

R-3. The bathrooms and showers are in the middle of the park and are for guests and their visitors only. Please respect the facilities and clean-up after yourself.  If there are any problems with the bathrooms or showers, please notify park staff.  DO NOT WASH DISHES IN THE BATHROOMS OR SHOWERS.

R-4. Please read and follow all instructions and posted community laundry rules before using the park’s laundry facilities. The laundry machines are coin operated and are available on a first come first serve basis and at the user’s sole and exclusive risk.  The park will not be responsible for any loss of or damage to clothing or any other personal property as a result of the use of the laundry machines.  No clothes lines shall be permitted in the park except at the laundry and articles of clothing or linens, towels, etc. shall not be hung, laid, or otherwise placed outside a Guest’s RV to be dried. No washing or drying machines are permitted to be stored outside of Guest’s RV. Please be courteous of other guests and visitors to the park and clean up the clubhouse after and other park buildings after you use them.

R-5. Quiet hours are from 9:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Radios, televisions and other electronic devices should not be played loud enough to be heard outside of Guest’s assigned space at any time. Discharge of firearms and all fireworks are prohibited in the park. Visitors are not permitted in the park after 11:00pm without the park’s advance consent, which may be granted or withheld in the park’s sole and absolute discretion. All overnight visitors must park their cars by the office. No guest or visitor of a Guest may camp or sleep outside of Guest’s RV or in their cars.

R-6. The speed limit inside the park is 5 miles per hour. Failure to adhere to this speed limit will be cause for immediate removal from the park.  Only licensed drivers may operate vehicles within the park.  ATVs are not allowed to be driven inside the park except on established roads and then only for the purpose of leaving the park or returning to Guest’s site from outside the park.  All vehicles must be parked within the designated area of you RV site.  Do not park vehicles on the grass or in roadways. No more than one RV and one vehicle per RV space are allowed. Limited extra vehicle parking is available for $10.00 per space per day, and should be reserved in advance. No inoperable or unlicensed vehicles will be allowed to remain in the park. Guests shall not use or allow the use of their RV site for performance of significant repairs to their RV or vehicle.  The park reserves its right to determine in its sole and absolute discretion what repairs of a vehicle or RV are permitted within the park or will be considered a violation of these Rules.

R-7. The park may refuse service or access to any guest and may, in its sole and absolute discretion, require a Guest to leave the park and/or remove an RV, a vehicle, or any other property which is in run-down condition or disrepair. No Guest is allowed to operate or conduct a business of any kind within the park. Garage sales or estate sales cannot be held within the RV Park without the express prior written consent of the park. Guests cannot sublet his or her RV in the park. If Guest sells or transfers title to the RV, the RV must be removed from the park within 24 hours of the transfer of title, unless the new owner enters into a new agreement with the park and pays the appropriate park fee(s).

R-8. Guest and Guest’s children, and visitors are prohibited from smoking in any of the park buildings, including the clubhouse, laundry room, bathrooms, showers, front office, etc. DO NOT THROW BUTTS, ASHES OR ANY OTHER SMOKING REFUSE ON THE GROUND.  In addition to littering, this is a fire risk.  If you are witnessed doing this, a $12.00 clean-up fee will be assessed and your behavior will be considered a violation of these Rules that may result in your removal from the park.  Any person smoking inside the park must be courteous to other guests at the park and their failure to do so may result in their removal from the park.

R-9. Guests and their children and visitors are prohibited from making repairs to the park or any park property, and from trimming the trees, grass, shrubs and other plants in the park. If you believe that such maintenance is necessary, please inform park staff.

R-10. Guests must keep their site and the exterior of their RV clean and tidy. No personal property or debris is allowed to be stored around the RV, which may be deemed by park staff to be an eyesore, specifically including but not limited to refrigerators and freezers, A/C units, satellite dishes, or washing/drying machines. Guest may not construct or place any outside storage units anywhere at the park without the park’s prior written consent, which may be denied in the park’s sole and absolute discretion.

R-11. Campfires are allowed in portable, covered fire pits or rock fire rings, and not on the grass. Collection of fire wood from around the park is prohibited.  Please do not put ashes in any trash receptacle.  Campfires are prohibited any time there is a fire ban or other applicable limitation in place in Park County.  Guest is responsible for knowing when such bans or limits are in place and complying with them.  Information regarding fire bans or limitations is available at Park County’s website or by calling 719-836-4160.  Guest is responsible to ensure that all campfires are properly supervised and completely and properly put out before going to sleep at night, leaving Guest’s site for any reason, or check-in out. 

R-12. All Guests who have pets are required to identify their pets to park staff. Pets are permitted at the park only in strict compliance with the following terms and conditions:

              A. All pets must be kept on a leash or in a cage or crate at all times when the pet is outside of your RV. Pets must be supervised at all times. Tethering of pets at your RV site is permitted only if you are present to supervise your pets and the length of the tether is such that your pet cannot leave your RV site.  Do not under any circumstances leave a pet tethered outside of your RV while you are not present.  Pets should be tethered at the front or on the side of your RV.  Please do not tether pets at the rear of your RV adjacent to another site.  Pets are not permitted to be tied or chained to trees within the park. Pets found unsupervised in the park may be impounded by THE Park or Park County Animal Control at the owner’s expense.

               B. There is a trail below site number 21 that leads to our designated pet area. Do not walk your pets through other guest’s sites.  Pets other than service animals are not permitted in park buildings.  All Guests are required to clean up after their pet(s) and dispose of pet waste in the park’s dumpster or trash bins.  The park reserves the right to assess a $12 per occurrence clean-up fee if you fail to clean up after your pet(s).

             C. We realize that dogs bark. Repeated or excessive barking, other excessive pet noise or other pet behavior that disturbs other guests is not permitted. If the park becomes aware of such behavior, park staff will notify you and request that you take action to correct the problem behavior. If such behavior continues after notice, the park reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to require you to immediately remove the pet from the park.

              D. You certify that your pet has not previously bitten or caused other injury to any person. If at any time your pet bites or otherwise injures any person or other pet at the park, you will be required to permanently remove the pet from the park. If your pet displays threatening or aggressive behavior which the park, in its sole and absolute discretion, deems to be dangerous or problematic, you agree that you will promptly remove the pet from the park upon request, with no recourse against the park and no claim for reimbursement or refund of any amount paid to the park.

              E. You agree to indemnify, defend with counsel chosen by the park, and hold harmless the park and its members, managers, agents and employees from and against and any and all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses whatsoever (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising out of or in connection with your pet residing or being located at the park, including, without limitation, the claims of any third parties related to death, bodily injury or damage to persons or property caused by your pet.

             F. The park may, in its sole and absolute discretion, limit or restrict which pets are permitted at the park. Breeds of dog not permitted at the park include but are not limited to Pit Bulls, Doberman Pincers, Chows and any other fighting breed. Notwithstanding the forgoing, service dogs of any breed belonging to a Guest are permitted at the park so long as they are otherwise in compliance with all of these Rules.

R-13. You must be licensed to fish in the State of Colorado to fish anywhere in the park. Fishing is at your own risk and children under 16 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times while fishing. There is no bait fishing at the park.  Only artificial lures with barbless hooks are permitted, and all fishing is catch-and-release only.  Use wet hands to handle fish and return them to the water as quickly and gently as possible.  There is no swimming or wading in the pond.  Do not throw rocks in the pond.

R-14. The park offers recreational gold prospecting only. Panning supplies can be checked out from the  Dig at your own risk and in the designated area only.  Please be respectful off all and pick up your trash at the prospecting sites, which is located down the path between site six and seven, on the west side of the orange fence. You will see an area which has previously been used. Under no circumstance is digging or climbing permitted on the other side of the orange fence. This area is in the process of being reclaimed.  There is a strict limit of two (2) five-gallon buckets of material to be processed per site per day.  Material must be processed on site, no exceptions.  Only the concentrate may be removed from the park. Sluicing or panning is not allowed in the ponds. Pan only in the stock tank or in the river. No high banking in the river with motorized devices. Excavating material near or on a hillside can be dangerous. Guest assumes all risks involved in prospecting at the park.

R-15. All children under the age of 16 must be supervised and closely watched by an adult when in the area of the ponds or the Middlefork River. The Park does not permit swimming or wading in the ponds or the Middlefork River at any time. The Park does not own the Middlefork River, and there is no lifeguard on duty at any time at or near the ponds or river. Any violation of this rule or wading or swimming in the ponds or river shall be at Guest’s sole and exclusive risk.  

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